Source code for gwgen.sensitivity_analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module for a sensitivity analysis for one experiment"""
import os
import six
from functools import partial
from argparse import Namespace
import yaml
import os.path as osp
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import product, chain, repeat, starmap
import logging
import numpy as np
from gwgen.main import OrderedDict, GWGENOrganizer
import gwgen.utils as utils
from gwgen.utils import isstring, docstrings
import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]class SensitivityAnalysis(object): """Class that performs and manages a sensitivity analysis for the given organizer""" @property def logger(self): return logging.getLogger('%s.%s' % (__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) @property def experiment(self): """The base experiment of this sensitivity analysis""" return self.organizer.experiment @property def experiments(self): projectname = self.projectname return self.organizer.config.experiments.project_map[projectname] @property def exp_config(self): return self.organizer.exp_config @property def config(self): """The configuration of the sensitivity analysis""" return self.exp_config.setdefault('sensitivity_analysis', OrderedDict()) @property def projectname(self): """The projectname of the sensitivity analysis""" return self.config['project'] @projectname.setter def projectname(self, value): self.config['project'] = value @property def project_config(self): """The project configuration of the sensitivity analysis""" return self.organizer.config.projects.setdefault(self.projectname, OrderedDict()) @property def sa_organizer(self): """The organizer for this sensitivity analysis""" try: return self._sa_organizer except AttributeError: self._sa_organizer = GWGENOrganizer(self.organizer.config) try: projectname = self.projectname except KeyError: raise ValueError( "No setup of the sensitivity analysis has been done yet! " "Please run the setup method!") self._sa_organizer.projectname = projectname return self._sa_organizer def __init__(self, organizer): """ Parameters ---------- organizer: gwgen.main.GWGENOrganizer The organizer to perform thre sensitivity analysis for """ self.organizer = organizer @docstrings.get_sectionsf('SensitivityAnalysis._parallelize_command') @docstrings.dedent def _parallelize_command(self, kws, experiments=None, loop_exps=False): """ Run a GWGENOrganizer command in parallel for all the experiments in this analysis Parameters ---------- kws: dict Keys must be the name of a command of the :attr:`organizer` of this analysis, values must be dictionaries for the corresponding command experiments: list of str The experiments to use. If None, all experiments are used loop_exps: bool If True the experiments of the sensitivity analysis are called one after each other. Otherwise they are called in parallel, each on a single core (unless the the serial option in the global configuration is set) """ import multiprocessing as mp experiments = experiments or self.experiments if len(experiments) == 1 and osp.exists(experiments[0]): with open(experiments[0]) as f: experiments = [l.rstrip() for l in f.readlines()] config = self.organizer.global_config commands = self.organizer.commands + list( self.organizer.parser_commands.values()) if not loop_exps and not config.get('serial'): all_kws = ( {key: dict(chain([('experiment', exp)], kws[key].items())) for key in kws.keys() if key in commands} for exp in experiments) nprocs = config.get('nprocs', 'all') if nprocs == 'all': nprocs = mp.cpu_count() nprocs = min([nprocs, len(experiments)]) config['serial'] = True self.logger.debug('Starting %i processes', nprocs) pool = mp.Pool(nprocs) res = pool.map_async(self, all_kws) for (organizer, ns), experiment in zip(res.get(), experiments): changed = organizer.config.experiments[experiment] self.organizer.config.experiments[experiment] = changed config['serial'] = False pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() else: for experiment in experiments or self.experiments: for key, val in kws.items(): if key in commands: val['experiment'] = experiment kws['experiment'] = experiment self.sa_organizer.start(**kws)
[docs] def __call__(self, kws): """Call the :meth:`~model_organization.ModelOrganizer.start` of the :attr:`organizer` attribute Parameters ---------- kws: dict Any keywords that are passed to the :meth:`~model_organization.ModelOrganizer.start` method Returns ------- model_organization.ModelOrganizer The :attr:`sa_organizer` argparse.Namespace The return of the :meth:`~model_organization.ModelOrganizer.start` method """ return self.sa_organizer, self.sa_organizer.start(**kws)
[docs] def setup(self, root_dir=None, projectname=None, link=True, no_move=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Set up the experiments for the project Parameters ---------- root_dir: str The path to the root directory where the experiments, etc. will be stored. If not given, a new directory will be created at the same location as the original project projectname: str The name of the project that shall be initialized at `root_dir`. A new directory will be created namely ``root_dir + '/' + projectname``. If not given, defaults to ``'sensitivity_<id>'`` where ``'<id>'`` is the experiment id link: bool If set, the source files are linked to the original ones instead of copied no_move: bool If True, the project in the configuration files is not moved to the position right before the configuration of the current project """ config = self.config if projectname is None: projectname = config.setdefault( 'project', 'sensitivity_' + str(self.organizer.experiment)) self.projectname = projectname if root_dir is None: root_dir = self.project_config.get( 'root', osp.dirname(self.organizer.project_config['root'])) self.project_config['root'] = root_dir organizer = self.sa_organizer organizer.start(setup=dict( root_dir=root_dir, projectname=projectname, link=link, src_project=self.organizer.projectname)) if not six.PY2 and not no_move: utils.ordered_move(organizer.config.projects, projectname, self.organizer.projectname)
[docs] def compile_model(self): """Compile the sensitivity analysis model""" self.sa_organizer.start(compile_model=dict( projectname=self.projectname))
[docs] def init(self, nml=None, experiment=None, run_prepare=False, use_param=False, no_move=False): """ Initialize the experiments for the sensitivity analysis Parameters ---------- nml: dict A mapping from namelist parameters to the values to use. Ranges might be lists of numbers or ``'<i>err'`` to use ``'<i>'``-times the error from the parameterization. You might also provide up to three values in case on of them is a string with ``'err'`` in it, where the first value corresponds to the minimum, the second to the maximum and the third to the number of steps. experiment: str The base experiment name to use. Should somehow contain a number which will be increased for each experiment. If None, it will default to ``'<id>_sens0'`` run_prepare: bool If True or no ``'input'`` key exists for the experiment, the ``'prepare'`` evaluation task is run to get the reference data. Otherwise, if False and the ``'input'`` key does not exist, the specified file is used use_param: bool If True/set and the parameterization is required, use the parameterization of the original experiment no_move: bool If True, the experiment in the configurations are not moved to the position right before the configuration of the current experiment """ def get_err_range(error, nml, key, values): """Compute the ranges for the given namelist `key` based upon the mean""" converted = [0] * len(values) for i, val in enumerate(values): if isstring(val) and 'err' in val: m = multiplier = float( if m else 1.0 converted[i] = nml[key] + multiplier * errors[key] else: converted[i] = float(val) return list(map(float, np.linspace(*converted, endpoint=True))) def setup_paramdir(experiment): """Link files from the base experiment param dir to the new one""" paramdir = organizer.exp_config.setdefault( 'paramdir', osp.join(self.organizer.exp_config['expdir'], 'parameterization')) root_dir = self.exp_config.get('paramdir') if root_dir and osp.exists(root_dir): for f in os.listdir(root_dir): organizer._link(osp.join(root_dir, f), osp.join(paramdir, f)) if self.exp_config.get('database'): organizer.exp_config['database'] = self.exp_config[ 'database'] def update_nml(): for nml_key, settings in self.exp_config.get( 'namelist', {}).items(): for key, val in settings.items(): organizer.exp_config['namelist'][nml_key].setdefault( key, val) def transposed_dict(iterable): return map(OrderedDict, starmap(zip, zip( repeat(errs.keys()), product(*iterable)))) logger = self.logger if nml is None: nml = self.config.get('namelist', self.project_config.get( 'sensitivity_namelist')) if nml is None: raise ValueError( "No parameter ranges specified! Please use the params " "parameter!") nml = OrderedDict(nml) errs = OrderedDict() ranges = OrderedDict() for key, val in nml.items(): if any(isstring(s) and 'err' in s for s in val): errs[key] = val else: ranges[key] = list(map(float, val)) nml = OrderedDict(chain(ranges.items(), errs.items())) self.config['namelist'] = nml.copy() self.project_config['sensitivity_namelist'] = nml.copy() try: eval_stations = self.exp_config['eval_stations'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No evaluation stations specified for the " "experiment %s!" % (self.experiment)) if errs: from gwgen.parameterization import Parameterizer param_stations = self.exp_config.get('param_stations') if param_stations is None: raise ValueError("No parameterization stations specified for " "the experiment %s!" % (self.experiment)) tasks = list(map(Parameterizer.get_task_for_nml_key, errs)) other_tasks = list(map(Parameterizer.get_task_for_nml_key, ranges)) err_bins = OrderedDict() flags = OrderedDict() flags_no_mean = OrderedDict() else: tasks = [] organizer = self.sa_organizer if experiment is None: experiment = self.experiment + '_sens0' #: base string for the experiment description. The values are inserted #: later base_description = ('Sensitivity analysis of %s with %s') % ( self.experiment, ', '.join('%s={}' % key for key in chain( ranges, errs))) # choose if we have to evaluate the data run_prepare = run_prepare or {'input', 'reference'}.difference( self.exp_config) if not run_prepare: input_file = self.exp_config['input'] reference = self.exp_config['reference'] for i, d in enumerate(map(lambda t: OrderedDict(zip(*t)), zip( repeat(ranges.keys()), product(*ranges.values())))): experiment = utils.get_next_name(experiment) organizer.init(projectname=self.projectname, experiment=experiment) if not six.PY2 and not no_move: utils.ordered_move(organizer.config.experiments, experiment, self.experiment) organizer.exp_config['namelist'] = {'weathergen_ctl': d.copy()} if run_prepare: organizer.start(evaluate=dict( stations=eval_stations, prepare={'to_csv': True}, experiment=experiment)) input_file = organizer.exp_config['input'] reference = organizer.exp_config['reference'] run_prepare = False organizer.exp_config['input'] = input_file organizer.exp_config['reference'] = reference organizer.exp_config['eval_stations'] = eval_stations organizer.exp_config['base_exp'] = last = organizer.experiment if use_param: setup_paramdir(experiment) update_nml() if not tasks: organizer.exp_config['description'] = base_description.format( *d.values()) else: # run the parameterization organizer.exp_config['param_stations'] = param_stations param_config = { {} for t in tasks} for t, (nml_key, val) in zip(other_tasks, d.items()): config_key = t.get_config_key(nml_key) if config_key: param_config[] = {config_key: val} organizer.fix_paths(organizer.exp_config) organizer.fix_paths(organizer.project_config)'Parameterizing experiment %i', i) manager = organizer.start(param=dict( experiment=experiment, **param_config)).param param_tasks = { t for t in manager.tasks} nml = organizer.exp_config['namelist']['weathergen_ctl'] # insert description organizer.exp_config['description'] = base_description.format( *chain(d.values(), map(nml.get, errs))) # insert meta information that makes it easier to categorize # the experiments later organizer.exp_config['flags'] = OrderedDict([ (key, 'mean') for key in errs]) errors = {key: param_tasks[].get_error(key) for key, t in zip(errs, tasks)} func = partial(get_err_range, errors, nml) # Convert the error ranges into lists err_ranges = list(starmap(func, errs.items())) logger.debug('Error ranges:') for key, vals in zip(errs, err_ranges): if not len(vals) % 2: # insert mean for configuration vals.insert(len(vals) // 2, nml[key]) if i == 0: err_bins[key] = np.zeros( (np.product(list(map(len, ranges.values()))), len(vals))) flags[key] = list(map( lambda f: '%4.2ferr' % f, get_err_range( {key: 1}, {key: 0}, key, errs[key]))) flags_no_mean[key] = flags[key][:] # insert (or rename) mean for configuration if not len(flags[key]) % 2: flags[key].insert(len(flags[key]) // 2, 'mean') else: flags[key][(len(flags[key]) - 1) // 2] = 'mean' flags_no_mean[key].pop(len(flags[key]) // 2) err_bins[key][i] = vals logger.debug(' %s: %s', key, vals) vals.pop((len(vals) - 1) // 2) # delete the mean again # split them up and use them as namelist input # note: d2 is the extended namelist for each experiment for d2, fl in zip(transposed_dict(err_ranges), transposed_dict( flags_no_mean.values())): experiment = utils.get_next_name(experiment) combined = OrderedDict(chain(d.items(), d2.items())) organizer.start(init=dict( projectname=self.projectname, experiment=experiment, description=base_description.format(*combined))) if not six.PY2 and not no_move: utils.ordered_move( organizer.config.experiments, experiment, self.experiment) organizer.exp_config['namelist'] = { 'weathergen_ctl': combined} update_nml() organizer.exp_config['input'] = input_file organizer.exp_config['reference'] = reference organizer.exp_config['eval_stations'] = eval_stations organizer.exp_config['base_exp'] = last organizer.exp_config['flags'] = fl if errs: self.config['unstructured'] = uconf = OrderedDict() for err, arr in err_bins.items(): minmeanmax = np.zeros((arr.shape[1], 3)) minmeanmax[:, 0] = arr.min(axis=0) minmeanmax[:, 1] = arr.mean(axis=0) minmeanmax[:, 2] = arr.max(axis=0) uconf[err] = OrderedDict(zip(flags[key], minmeanmax.tolist())) logger.debug('%s', err) logger.debug(' minima: %s', minmeanmax[:, 0]) logger.debug(' mean: %s', minmeanmax[:, 1]) logger.debug(' maxima: %s', minmeanmax[:, 2])
docstrings.keep_params('', 'remove') docstrings.keep_params( 'SensitivityAnalysis._parallelize_command.parameters', 'experiments') @docstrings.dedent
[docs] def run(self, experiments=None, remove=False): """ Run the analysis Parameters ---------- %(SensitivityAnalysis._parallelize_command.parameters.experiments)s %(""" self._parallelize_command(dict(run=dict(remove=remove)), experiments=experiments)
docstrings.keep_params( 'SensitivityAnalysis._parallelize_command.parameters', 'loop_exps') @docstrings.dedent
[docs] def evaluate(self, experiments=None, loop_exps=False, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the experiments of the sensitivity analysis Parameters ---------- %(SensitivityAnalysis._parallelize_command.parameters.experiments)s %(SensitivityAnalysis._parallelize_command.parameters.loop_exps)s %(GWGENOrganizer.evaluate.parameters)s """ for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val, Namespace): kwargs[key] = val = vars(val) if isinstance(val, dict): val.pop('experiments', None) val.pop('loop_exps', None) self._parallelize_command(dict(evaluate=kwargs), experiments=experiments, loop_exps=loop_exps)
[docs] def plot(self, indicators=['rsquared', 'slope', 'ks', 'quality'], names=['prcp', 'tmin', 'tmax', 'mean_cloud', 'wind'], meta=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the result of the sensitivity analysis 2 different plots are made for each variable and quality indicator: 1. 1d plots with the indicator on the y-axis and the namelist parameter on the x-axis 2. 2d plots with one indicator on the x-axis and another on the y-axis for each possible combination You can disable one of the plot types via the `only_1d` and `only_2d` parameter. Parameters ---------- indicators: str or list of str The name of the indicators from the `quality` evaluation task names: str or list of str The name(s) of the variable(s) to plot meta: dict or path to yaml configuration file Alternative meta information for the data set ``**kwargs`` Any task of the :class:`SensitivityPlot` framework """ meta = meta or self.config.get('additional_meta') if isinstance(meta, six.string_types): with open(meta) as f: meta = yaml.load(f) if meta is not None: self.config['additional_meta'] = meta for task, d in list(kwargs.items()): d = kwargs[task] = vars(d) if isinstance(d, Namespace) else dict(d) d['names'] = names d['indicators'] = indicators d['meta'] = meta d['config'] = self.exp_config d['project_config'] = self.organizer.project_config d['sa'] = self manager = SensitivityPlot.get_manager( config=self.organizer.global_config) manager.initialize_tasks(np.array(self.experiments), kwargs) manager.setup(np.array(self.experiments)) return manager
[docs] def remove(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Remove the project and files of the sensitivity analysis""" self.organizer.start( remove=dict(projectname=self.projectname, complete=True, *args, **kwargs))
_SensitivityPlotConfig = namedtuple( '_SensitivityPlotConfig', ('sa', 'indicators', 'names', 'meta')) _SensitivityPlotConfig = utils.append_doc( _SensitivityPlotConfig, docstrings.get_sections(""" Parameters ---------- sa: SensitivityAnalysis The analyser to use indicators: str or list of str The name of the indicators from the `quality` evaluation task names: str or list of str The name of the variables to plot meta: dict Alternative meta information for the data set """, '_SensitivityPlotConfig')) SensitivityPlotConfig = utils.enhanced_config(_SensitivityPlotConfig, 'SensitivityPlotConfig') @docstrings.dedent
[docs]def default_sens_config( sa=None, indicators=['rsquared', 'slope', 'ks', 'quality'], names=['prcp', 'tmin', 'tmax', 'mean_cloud', 'wind'], meta={}, *args, **kwargs): """ The default configuration for :class:`SensitivityPlot` instances. See also the :attr:`SensitivityPlot.default_config` attribute Parameters ---------- %(SensitivityPlotConfig.parameters)s""" return SensitivityPlotConfig( sa, indicators, names, meta, *utils.default_config(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]class SensitivityPlot(utils.TaskBase): """A base class for the plots of the :class:`SensitivityAnalysis`""" _registry = [] meta = { 'rsquared': dict(long_name='Mean R$^2$ of all quantiles'), 'slope': dict(long_name='Slope indicator'), 'quality': dict(long_name='Quality indicator'), 'ks': dict( long_name='Fraction of stations without significant difference'), 'thresh': dict(long_name='Crossover point of Gamma-GP distribution', units='mm'), 'gp_shape': dict(long_name='Generalized Pareto Shape parameter', units='-') } variables_meta = { 'prcp': 'Precipitation', 'tmin': 'Min. Temperature', 'tmax': 'Max. Temperature', 'mean_cloud': 'Cloud fraction'} _datafile = 'sensitivity_analysis.csv' dbname = 'sensitivity_analysis' @property def task_data_dir(self): """The directory where to store data""" return self.sa_dir @property def namelist(self): """The namelist of the sensitivity analysis holding the settings""" return['namelist'] @property def err_nml_keys(self): return [key for key, l in self.namelist.items() if any( isstring(s) and 'err' in s for s in l)] @property def ranges_nml_keys(self): errs = self.err_nml_keys return [key for key in self.namelist if key not in errs] @property def organizer(self): return @property def base_experiments(self): all_exps = self.organizer.config.experiments return [exp for exp in self.stations if all_exps[exp].get('base_exp') == exp] @property def default_config(self): return default_sens_config()._replace( **super(SensitivityPlot, self).default_config._asdict()) @classmethod def _modify_parser(cls, parser): parser.setup_args(default_sens_config) parser, setup_grp, run_grp = super( SensitivityPlot, cls)._modify_parser(parser) parser.pop_arg('names') parser.pop_arg('indicators') parser.pop_arg('sa') parser.pop_arg('meta') return parser, setup_grp, run_grp @property def sql_dtypes(self): import sqlalchemy ret = super(SensitivityPlot, self).sql_dtypes for indicator in ['rsquared', 'slope', 'ks', 'quality'] + list( self.namelist.keys()): ret[indicator] = sqlalchemy.REAL ret['vname'] = sqlalchemy.TEXT return ret
[docs] def setup_from_file(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['index_col'] = ['id', 'vname'] + list(self.namelist.keys()) return super(SensitivityPlot, self).setup_from_file(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup_from_db(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['index_col'] = ['id', 'vname'] + list(self.namelist.keys()) return super(SensitivityPlot, self).setup_from_db(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_meta(self, ds): meta = self.meta.copy() meta.update(self.task_config.meta) for key, attrs in meta.items(): if key in ds: ds[key].attrs.update(attrs) if key + '_flag' in ds: ds[key + '_flag'].attrs.update(attrs)
@property def ds(self): """Gives the base dataset for the plot""" import xarray as xr ds = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe('id')) self.add_meta(ds) return ds
[docs] def setup_from_scratch(self): import pandas as pd experiments = self.stations all_exps = self.organizer.config.experiments dfs = [] for variable in self.task_config.names: data = [{} for _ in experiments] for i, exp in enumerate(experiments): try: data[i] = all_exps[exp]['evaluation']['quality'][variable] except KeyError: pass df = pd.DataFrame( data, index=pd.Index(experiments, name='id')) df2 = pd.DataFrame( [all_exps[exp]['namelist']['weathergen_ctl'] for exp in experiments], index=pd.Index(experiments, name='id')) merged = df.merge(df2, left_index=True, right_index=True) if self.err_nml_keys: flags_df = pd.DataFrame( [all_exps[exp]['flags'] for exp in experiments], index=pd.Index(experiments, name='id')) merged = merged.merge( flags_df, left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=('', '_flag')) merged['vname'] = variable errs_keys = [key + '_flag' for key in self.err_nml_keys] dfs.append(merged.set_index( ['vname'] + self.ranges_nml_keys + errs_keys, append=True)) = pd.concat(dfs)
[docs]class SensitivityPlot1D(SensitivityPlot): """1d plots with the indicator on the y-axis and the namelist parameter on the x-axis""" name = 'plot1d' summary = ('1d plots with the indicator on the y-axis and the namelist ' 'parameter on the x-axis') has_run = True fmt = dict( xlabel='{desc}', ylabel='%(long_name)s', title='%(vname_long)s', plot=' ', marker='o', color='coolwarm')
[docs] def create_project(self, ds): import psyplot.project as psy def get_key(nml_key): return nml_key if nml_key not in errs else nml_key + '_flag' vmeta = self.variables_meta variables = ds.vname.values indicators = self.task_config.indicators nml = self.namelist errs = self.err_nml_keys vmeta = OrderedDict([(key, vmeta[key]) for key in ds.vname.values]) for nml_key in nml: for i, variable in enumerate(variables): for ind in indicators: other_keys = {key: range(ds[key].size) for key in map(get_key, set(nml) - {nml_key})} label = ', '.join( map('{0}=%({0})s'.format, other_keys)) other_keys['vname'] = i fmt = self.fmt.copy() psy.plot.lineplot( ds, name=ind, dims=other_keys, fmt=fmt, coord=nml_key, legendlabels=label, attrs={'vname_long': vmeta.get(variable)}) return psy.gcp(True)[:]
_SensitivityPlot2DConfig = namedtuple( '_SensitivityPlot2DConfig', ['logx', 'logy'] + list(_SensitivityPlotConfig._fields)) _SensitivityPlot2DConfig = utils.append_doc( _SensitivityPlot2DConfig, docstrings.get_sections(docstrings.dedents(""" Parameters ---------- logx: bool If True, the x-axis will be logarithmic logy: bool If True, the y-axis will be logarithmic %(_SensitivityPlotConfig.parameters)s """), '_SensitivityPlot2DConfig')) SensitivityPlot2DConfig = utils.enhanced_config(_SensitivityPlot2DConfig, 'SensitivityPlot2DConfig') @docstrings.dedent
[docs]def default_plot2d_config( logx=False, logy=False, *args, **kwargs): """ The default configuration for :class:`SensitivityPlot` instances. See also the :attr:`SensitivityPlot.default_config` attribute Parameters ---------- %(SensitivityPlot2DConfig.parameters)s""" return SensitivityPlot2DConfig( logx, logy, *default_sens_config(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]class SensitivityPlot2D(SensitivityPlot): """2d plots with one namelist parameter on the y-axis and one on the x-axis and a color coding the the indicator""" name = 'plot2d' summary = ('2d plots with one namelist parameter on the y-axis and one on ' 'the x-axis and a color coding the the indicator') has_run = True @property def default_config(self): return default_plot2d_config()._replace( **super(SensitivityPlot2D, self).default_config._asdict()) @classmethod def _modify_parser(cls, parser): parser.setup_args(default_plot2d_config) parser, setup_grp, run_grp = super( SensitivityPlot2D, cls)._modify_parser(parser) parser.update_arg('logx', group=run_grp) parser.update_arg('logy', group=run_grp) return parser, setup_grp, run_grp
[docs] def run(self, info): import as psyd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import psy_simple.plotters as psyps import matplotlib.colors as mcol import seaborn as sns from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib.patches as patches sns.set_style('white') full_df = plot_output = self.task_config.plot_output pdf = PdfPages(plot_output) all_exps = self.organizer.config.experiments for ind in self.task_config.indicators: for variable in self.task_config.names: df = full_df[full_df.vname == variable] vals = { key: group.set_index('gp_shape').sort_index()[ind] for key, group in df.groupby('thresh')} y = psyd._infer_interval_breaks(sorted(vals.keys())) fig = plt.figure(edgecolor='none', facecolor='none') if mpl.__version__ < '2.0': ax = plt.axes(axisbg='0.9') else: ax = plt.axes(facecolor='0.9') all_vals = np.concatenate(list(vals.values())) vmin, vmax = psyps.DataTicksCalculator._round_min_max( np.nanmin(all_vals), np.nanmax(all_vals)) norm = mcol.BoundaryNorm( np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 11, endpoint=True), 10) cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens', 10) # set missing values to (dark) red cmap.set_bad((0.7686274509803922, 0.3058823529411765, 0.3215686274509804)) plots = [] x_vals = {} for i, key in enumerate(sorted(df.thresh.unique())): data =[key], mask=np.isnan(vals[key])) x_vals[key] = x = psyd._infer_interval_breaks( vals[key].index.values) plots.append(ax.pcolormesh( x, y[i:i+2], data[np.newaxis, :], norm=norm, cmap=cmap)) ax.set_xlabel('Generalized Pareto shape parameter') ax.set_ylabel('Gamma-GP crossover point [mm]') ax.set_title(self.variables_meta[variable]) cbar = plt.colorbar(plots[-1], orientation='horizontal') cbar.set_label(self.meta[ind]['long_name']) if self.task_config.logx: ax.set_xscale('log') if self.task_config.logy: ax.set_yscale('log') # draw box around colorbar plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = 'k' if mpl.__version__ < '2.0': ax = plt.axes([0.08, 0.03, 0.85, 0.22], axisbg='none') else: ax = plt.axes([0.08, 0.03, 0.85, 0.22], fc='none') ax.grid(False) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fill=False, edgecolor='k', linewidth=2)) if not self.err_nml_keys: pdf.savefig(fig) continue mean_boxes = [] cmap = plt.get_cmap('coolwarm', 2) means = {} medians = {} # XXX currently not used for exp in self.base_experiments: nml = all_exps[exp]['namelist']['weathergen_ctl'] param_config = all_exps[exp]['parameterization']['prcp'] means[nml['thresh']] = param_config['gpshape_mean'] medians[nml['thresh']] = param_config['gpshape_median'] for i, key in enumerate(sorted(df.thresh.unique())): mean_index = df.gp_shape[ df.thresh == key].values.searchsorted(means[key]) mean_boxes.append(patches.Rectangle( [x_vals[key][mean_index], y[i]], x_vals[key][mean_index + 1] - x_vals[key][mean_index], y[i + 1] - y[i], edgecolor=cmap(0), facecolor='none', lw=2.0)) ax.add_patch(mean_boxes[-1]) plt.legend([mean_boxes[0]], ['mean'], title='GP shape parameter') pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close() info['plot_file'] = plot_output