gwgen evaluate ksΒΆ

The default configuration for KSEvaluation instances. See also the KSEvaluation.default_config attribute

usage: gwgen evaluate ks [-h] [-ido str] [-nr] [-n variable [variable ...]]
                         [-tw] [-f { 'scratch' | 'file' | 'db' | None }]
                         [-to-csv] [-to-db] [-rm] [-sf] [-o str]
Optional Arguments
-ido, --other_id
 Use the configuration from another experiment
Setup arguments
-n, --names

The list of variables use for calculation. If None, all variables will be used

Possible choices: prcp, tmin, tmax, mean_cloud, wind

-tw=False, --transform-wind=False
 If True, the square root of the wind is evaluated (as this is also simulated in the weather generator)
-f, --from

The method how to setup the instance either from ``’scratch’`` To set up the task from the raw data ``’file’`` Set up the task from an existing file ``’db’`` Set up the task from a database ``None`` If the file name of this this task exists, use this one, otherwise a database is provided, use this one, otherwise go from scratch

Possible choices: scratch, file, db

-to-csv=False If True, the data at setup will be written to a csv file
-to-db=False If True, the data at setup will be written to into a database
-rm=False, --remove=False
 If True and the old data file already exists, remove before writing to it
-sf=False, --skip-filtering=False
 If True, skip the filtering for the correct stations in the datafile
Run arguments
-nr=False, --no-rounding=False
 Do not round the simulation to the infered precision of the reference. The inferred precision is the minimum difference between two values with in the entire data
-o, --plot-output
 An alternative path to use for the PDF file of the plot