gwgen preproc selectΒΆ

Select stations based upon a regular grid

usage: gwgen preproc select [-h] [-g str] [-og str] [-os str] [-k str]
                            [-ok str] [-gdb str] [-sdb str] [-nc]
                            [-f { 'scratch' | 'file' | 'db' }]
                            [-d { 'single' | 'all' }]
Optional Arguments
-g, --grid The path to a csv-file containing a lat and a lon column with the information on the centers of the grid. If None, `igrid_key` must not be None and point to a key in the configuration (either the one of the experiment, or the project, or the global configuration) specifying the path
-og, --grid-output
 The path to the csv-file where to store the mapping from grid lat-lon to station id.
-os, --stations-output
 The path to the csv-file where to store the mapping from station to grid center point
-k, --igrid-key
 The key in the configuration where to store the path of the `grid` input file
-ok, --grid-key
 The key in the configuration where to store the name of the `grid_output` file.
-gdb, --grid-db
 The name of a data table to store the data of `stations_output` in
-sdb, --stations-db
 The name of a data table to store the data for `stations_output` in
-nc=False, --no-prcp-check=False
 If True, we will not check for the values between 0.1 and 1.0 for precipitation and save the result in the ``’best’`` column
-f, --from The setup method for the daily data for the prcp check
-d, --download

Handles how to manage missing files for the prcp check. If None (default), an warning is printed and the file is ignored, if ``’single’``, the missing file is downloaded, if ``’all’``, the entire tarball is downloaded (strongly not recommended for this function)

Possible choices: single, all

for igrid_key and ogrid_key we recommend one of {'grid', 'param_grid', 'eval_grid' because that implies a correct path management