gwgen set-valueΒΆ

Set a value in the configuration

usage: gwgen set-value [-h] [-a] [-P] [-g] [-p str] [-b str] [-dt str]
                       [level0.level1.level...=value ...]
Required Arguments
  The key-value pairs to set. If the configuration goes some levels deeper, keys may be separated by a ``’.’`` (e.g. ``’namelists.weathergen’``). Hence, to insert a ``’,’``, it must be escaped by a preceeding ``’‘``.
Optional Arguments
-a=False, --all=False
 If True/set, the information on all experiments are printed
-P=False, --on-projects=False
 If set, show information on the projects rather than the experiment
-g=False, --globally=False
 If set, show the global configuration settings
-p, --projectname
 The name of the project that shall be used. If provided and `on_projects` is not True, the information on all experiments for this project will be shown
-b=, --base= A base string that shall be put in front of each key in `values` to avoid typing it all the time
-dt, --dtype

The name of the data type or a data type to cast the value to

Possible choices: ArithmeticError, AssertionError, AttributeError, BaseException, BufferError, BytesWarning, DeprecationWarning, EOFError, Ellipsis, EnvironmentError, Exception, False, FloatingPointError, FutureWarning, GeneratorExit, IOError, ImportError, ImportWarning, IndentationError, IndexError, KeyError, KeyboardInterrupt, LookupError, MemoryError, NameError, None, NotImplemented, NotImplementedError, OSError, OverflowError, PendingDeprecationWarning, ReferenceError, RuntimeError, RuntimeWarning, StandardError, StopIteration, SyntaxError, SyntaxWarning, SystemError, SystemExit, TabError, True, TypeError, UnboundLocalError, UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeError, UnicodeTranslateError, UnicodeWarning, UserWarning, ValueError, Warning, ZeroDivisionError, __debug__, __doc__, __import__, __name__, __package__, abs, all, any, apply, basestring, bin, bool, buffer, bytearray, bytes, callable, chr, classmethod, cmp, coerce, compile, complex, copyright, credits, delattr, dict, dir, divmod, enumerate, eval, execfile, exit, file, filter, float, format, frozenset, getattr, globals, hasattr, hash, help, hex, id, input, int, intern, isinstance, issubclass, iter, len, license, list, locals, long, map, max, memoryview, min, next, object, oct, open, ord, pow, print, property, quit, range, raw_input, reduce, reload, repr, reversed, round, set, setattr, slice, sorted, staticmethod, str, sum, super, tuple, type, unichr, unicode, vars, xrange, zip