gwgen unarchiveΒΆ

Extract archived experiments

usage: gwgen unarchive [-h] [-ids exp1,[exp2[,...]]] [exp1,[exp2[,...]]] ...]]
                       [-f str] [-a] [-pd] [-P] [-d str] [-p str]
                       [-fmt { 'gztar' | 'bztar' | 'tar' | 'zip' }] [--force]
Optional Arguments
-ids, --experiments
 The experiments to extract. If None the current experiment is used
-f, --file The path to an archive to extract the experiments from. If None, we assume that the path to the archive has been stored in the configuration when using the :meth:`archive` command
-a=False, --all=False
 If True, archives are extracted completely, not only the experiment (implies ``project_data = True``)
-pd=False, --project-data=False
 If True, the data for the project is extracted as well
-P=False, --replace-project-config=False
 If True and the project does already exist in the configuration, it is updated with what is stored in the archive
-d, --root An alternative root directory to use. Otherwise the experiment will be exctracted to 1. the root directory specified in the configuration files (if the project exists in it) and `replace_project_config` is False 2. the root directory as stored in the archive
-p, --projectname
 The projectname to use. If None, use the one specified in the archive
-fmt The format of the archive. If None, it is inferred
--force=False If True, force to overwrite the configuration of all experiments from what is stored in `archive`. Otherwise, the configuration of the experiments in `archive` are only used if missing in the current configuration