gwgen sens initΒΆ

Initialize the experiments for the sensitivity analysis

usage: gwgen sens init [-h] [-nml nml_key=f1[,f21[-f22[-f23]]]
                       [nml_key=f1[,f21[-f22[-f23]]] ...]] [-id str] [-prep]
                       [-use-param] [-nm]
Optional Arguments
-nml, --namelist
 A list from namelist parameters and their values to use. A comma (``’,’``) separated string. A single value in this string represents one number, ranges can also be used via a separation by comma (``’-‘``). Hence, ``‘2009,2012-2015’`` will be converted to ``[2009,2012, 2013, 2014]`` and ``2009,2012-2015-2`` to ``[2009, 2012, 2015]``. You can also use ``’<i>err’`` in the list which will be interpreted as ``’<i>’``-times the error from the parameterization.
-id, --experiment
 The base experiment name to use. Should somehow contain a number which will be increased for each experiment. If None, it will default to ``’<id>_sens0’``
-prep=False, --run-prepare=False
 If True or no ``’input’`` key exists for the experiment, the ``’prepare’`` evaluation task is run to get the reference data. Otherwise, if False and the ``’input’`` key does not exist, the specified file is used
 If True/set and the parameterization is required, use the parameterization of the original experiment
-nm=False, --no-move=False
 If True, the experiment in the configurations are not moved to the position right before the configuration of the current experiment