gwgen sensΒΆ

Perform a sensitivity analysis on the given parameters

This function performs a sensitivity analysis on the current experiment. It creates a new project and uses the evaluation and parameterization of the current experiment to get information on the others

usage: gwgen sens [-h] {setup,compile,init,run,evaluate,plot,remove} ...

Set up the experiments for the project

usage: gwgen sens setup [-h] [-root-dir str] [-p str] [-link] [-nm]
Optional Arguments
-root-dir The path to the root directory where the experiments, etc. will be stored. If not given, a new directory will be created at the same location as the original project
-p, --projectname
 The name of the project that shall be initialized at `root_dir`. A new directory will be created namely ``root_dir + ‘/’ + projectname``. If not given, defaults to ``’sensitivity_<id>’`` where ``’<id>’`` is the experiment id
-link=True If set, the source files are linked to the original ones instead of copied
-nm=False, --no-move=False
 If True, the project in the configuration files is not moved to the position right before the configuration of the current project

Compile the sensitivity analysis model

usage: gwgen sens compile [-h]

Initialize the experiments for the sensitivity analysis

usage: gwgen sens init [-h] [-nml nml_key=f1[,f21[-f22[-f23]]]
                       [nml_key=f1[,f21[-f22[-f23]]] ...]] [-id str] [-prep]
                       [-use-param] [-nm]
Optional Arguments
-nml, --namelist
 A list from namelist parameters and their values to use. A comma (``’,’``) separated string. A single value in this string represents one number, ranges can also be used via a separation by comma (``’-‘``). Hence, ``‘2009,2012-2015’`` will be converted to ``[2009,2012, 2013, 2014]`` and ``2009,2012-2015-2`` to ``[2009, 2012, 2015]``. You can also use ``’<i>err’`` in the list which will be interpreted as ``’<i>’``-times the error from the parameterization.
-id, --experiment
 The base experiment name to use. Should somehow contain a number which will be increased for each experiment. If None, it will default to ``’<id>_sens0’``
-prep=False, --run-prepare=False
 If True or no ``’input’`` key exists for the experiment, the ``’prepare’`` evaluation task is run to get the reference data. Otherwise, if False and the ``’input’`` key does not exist, the specified file is used
 If True/set and the parameterization is required, use the parameterization of the original experiment
-nm=False, --no-move=False
 If True, the experiment in the configurations are not moved to the position right before the configuration of the current experiment

Run the analysis

usage: gwgen sens run [-h] [-ids id1,id2,...] [-rm]
Optional Arguments
-ids, --experiments
 The experiments to use. If None, all experiments are used
-rm=False, --remove=False
 If True, the `work_dir` will be removed if it already exists

Evaluate the experiments of the sensitivity analysis

usage: gwgen sens evaluate [-h] [-ids id1,id2,...] [-loop]
                           [-s str or list of str] [-ido str] [-f str]
                           [-to-db] [-to-csv] [-db str]
                           [-nr [task1,task2,...]] [-complete]
                           {ks,quality,quants} ...
Optional Arguments
-ids, --experiments
 The experiments to use. If None, all experiments are used
-loop=False, --loop-exps=False
 If True the experiments of the sensitivity analysis are called one after each other. Otherwise they are called in parallel, each on a single core (unless the the serial option in the global configuration is set)
-s, --stations either a list of stations to use or a filename containing a 1-row table with stations
-ido, --other_id
 Use the configuration from another experiment
-f, --from Determine where to get the data from. If `scratch`, the data will be calculated from the raw data. If `file`, the data will be loaded from a file, if `db`, the data will be loaded from a postgres database (Note that the `database` argument must be provided!).
-to-db Save the data into a postgresql database (Note that the `database` argument must be provided!)
-to-csv Save the data into a csv file
-db, --database
 The name of a postgres data base to write the data to
-nr=False, --norun=False
 If set without value or “all” or a number different from 0, the data is set up and the configuration of the experiment is not affected. Otherwise it can be a comma separated list of parameterization tasks for which to only setup the data
 If True, setup and run all possible tasks

The default configuration for :class:`KSEvaluation` instances. See also the :attr:`KSEvaluation.default_config` attribute

usage: gwgen sens evaluate ks [-h] [-ido str] [-nr]
                              [-n variable [variable ...]] [-tw]
                              [-f { 'scratch' | 'file' | 'db' | None }]
                              [-to-csv] [-to-db] [-rm] [-sf] [-o str]
Optional Arguments
-ido, --other_id
 Use the configuration from another experiment
Setup arguments
-n, --names

The list of variables use for calculation. If None, all variables will be used

Possible choices: prcp, tmin, tmax, mean_cloud, wind

-tw=False, --transform-wind=False
 If True, the square root of the wind is evaluated (as this is also simulated in the weather generator)
-f, --from

The method how to setup the instance either from ``’scratch’`` To set up the task from the raw data ``’file’`` Set up the task from an existing file ``’db’`` Set up the task from a database ``None`` If the file name of this this task exists, use this one, otherwise a database is provided, use this one, otherwise go from scratch

Possible choices: scratch, file, db

-to-csv=False If True, the data at setup will be written to a csv file
-to-db=False If True, the data at setup will be written to into a database
-rm=False, --remove=False
 If True and the old data file already exists, remove before writing to it
-sf=False, --skip-filtering=False
 If True, skip the filtering for the correct stations in the datafile
Run arguments
-nr=False, --no-rounding=False
 Do not round the simulation to the infered precision of the reference. The inferred precision is the minimum difference between two values with in the entire data
-o, --plot-output
 An alternative path to use for the PDF file of the plot

Estimate simulation quality using ks and quantile evaluation

usage: gwgen sens evaluate quality [-h] [-q q1[,q1[,q2[,...]]]] [-ido str]
Optional Arguments
-q, --quantiles
 The quantiles to use for the quality analysis
-ido, --other_id
 Use the configuration from another experiment

The default configuration for :class:`KSEvaluation` instances. See also the :attr:`KSEvaluation.default_config` attribute

usage: gwgen sens evaluate quants [-h] [-ido str] [-nr]
                                  [-n variable [variable ...]] [-tw]
                                  [-q f1[,f21[-f22[-f23]]]]
                                  [-f { 'scratch' | 'file' | 'db' | None }]
                                  [-to-csv] [-to-db] [-rm] [-sf] [-o str]
                                  [-onc str] [-op str] [-np] [-p str]
Optional Arguments
-ido, --other_id
 Use the configuration from another experiment
Setup arguments
-n, --names

The list of variables use for calculation. If None, all variables will be used

Possible choices: prcp, tmin, tmax, mean_cloud, wind

-tw=False, --transform-wind=False
 If True, the square root of the wind is evaluated (as this is also simulated in the weather generator)
-f, --from

The method how to setup the instance either from ``’scratch’`` To set up the task from the raw data ``’file’`` Set up the task from an existing file ``’db’`` Set up the task from a database ``None`` If the file name of this this task exists, use this one, otherwise a database is provided, use this one, otherwise go from scratch

Possible choices: scratch, file, db

-to-csv=False If True, the data at setup will be written to a csv file
-to-db=False If True, the data at setup will be written to into a database
-rm=False, --remove=False
 If True and the old data file already exists, remove before writing to it
-sf=False, --skip-filtering=False
 If True, skip the filtering for the correct stations in the datafile
Run arguments
-nr=False, --no-rounding=False
 Do not round the simulation to the infered precision of the reference. The inferred precision is the minimum difference between two values with in the entire data
-q=[1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 100], --quantiles=[1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 100]
 The quantiles to use for calculating the percentiles. A comma (``’,’``) separated string. A single value in this string represents one number, ranges can also be used via a separation by comma (``’-‘``). Hence, ``‘2009,2012-2015’`` will be converted to ``[2009,2012, 2013, 2014]`` and ``2009,2012-2015-2`` to ``[2009, 2012, 2015]``.
-o, --plot-output
 An alternative path to use for the PDF file of the plot
-onc, --nc-output
 An alternative path (or multiples depending on the task) to use for the netCDF file of the plot data
-op, --project-output
 An alternative path to use for the psyplot project file of the plot
-np=False, --new-project=False
 If True, a new project will be created even if a file in `project_output` exists already
-p, --project The path to a psyplot project file to use for this parameterization

Plot the result of the sensitivity analysis 2 different plots are made for each variable and quality indicator: 1. 1d plots with the indicator on the y-axis and the namelist parameter on the x-axis 2. 2d plots with one indicator on the x-axis and another on the y-axis for each possible combination You can disable one of the plot types via the `only_1d` and `only_2d` parameter.

usage: gwgen sens plot [-h] [-i indicator[,indicator[,...]]]
                       [-n variable,[variable[,...]]] [-meta <yaml-file>]
                       {plot1d,plot2d} ...
Optional Arguments
-i=['rsquared', 'slope', 'ks', 'quality'], --indicators=['rsquared', 'slope', 'ks', 'quality']
 The name of the indicators from the `quality` evaluation task
-n=['prcp', 'tmin', 'tmax', 'mean_cloud', 'wind'], --names=['prcp', 'tmin', 'tmax', 'mean_cloud', 'wind']
 The name(s) of the variable(s) to plot
-meta Alternative meta information for the data set

The default configuration for :class:`SensitivityPlot` instances. See also the :attr:`SensitivityPlot.default_config` attribute

usage: gwgen sens plot plot1d [-h] [-f { 'scratch' | 'file' | 'db' | None }]
                              [-to-csv] [-to-db] [-rm] [-sf] [-o str]
                              [-onc str] [-op str] [-np] [-p str]
Setup arguments
-f, --from

The method how to setup the instance either from ``’scratch’`` To set up the task from the raw data ``’file’`` Set up the task from an existing file ``’db’`` Set up the task from a database ``None`` If the file name of this this task exists, use this one, otherwise a database is provided, use this one, otherwise go from scratch

Possible choices: scratch, file, db

-to-csv=False If True, the data at setup will be written to a csv file
-to-db=False If True, the data at setup will be written to into a database
-rm=False, --remove=False
 If True and the old data file already exists, remove before writing to it
-sf=False, --skip-filtering=False
 If True, skip the filtering for the correct stations in the datafile
Run arguments
-o, --plot-output
 An alternative path to use for the PDF file of the plot
-onc, --nc-output
 An alternative path (or multiples depending on the task) to use for the netCDF file of the plot data
-op, --project-output
 An alternative path to use for the psyplot project file of the plot
-np=False, --new-project=False
 If True, a new project will be created even if a file in `project_output` exists already
-p, --project The path to a psyplot project file to use for this parameterization

The default configuration for :class:`SensitivityPlot` instances. See also the :attr:`SensitivityPlot.default_config` attribute

usage: gwgen sens plot plot2d [-h] [-logx] [-logy]
                              [-f { 'scratch' | 'file' | 'db' | None }]
                              [-to-csv] [-to-db] [-rm] [-sf] [-o str]
                              [-onc str] [-op str] [-np] [-p str]
Setup arguments
-f, --from

The method how to setup the instance either from ``’scratch’`` To set up the task from the raw data ``’file’`` Set up the task from an existing file ``’db’`` Set up the task from a database ``None`` If the file name of this this task exists, use this one, otherwise a database is provided, use this one, otherwise go from scratch

Possible choices: scratch, file, db

-to-csv=False If True, the data at setup will be written to a csv file
-to-db=False If True, the data at setup will be written to into a database
-rm=False, --remove=False
 If True and the old data file already exists, remove before writing to it
-sf=False, --skip-filtering=False
 If True, skip the filtering for the correct stations in the datafile
Run arguments
-logx=False If True, the x-axis will be logarithmic
-logy=False If True, the y-axis will be logarithmic
-o, --plot-output
 An alternative path to use for the PDF file of the plot
-onc, --nc-output
 An alternative path (or multiples depending on the task) to use for the netCDF file of the plot data
-op, --project-output
 An alternative path to use for the psyplot project file of the plot
-np=False, --new-project=False
 If True, a new project will be created even if a file in `project_output` exists already
-p, --project The path to a psyplot project file to use for this parameterization

Remove the project and files of the sensitivity analysis

usage: gwgen sens remove [-h] [-y] [-ap]
Optional Arguments
-y=False, --yes=False
 If True/set, do not ask for confirmation
-ap=False, --all-projects=False
 If True/set, all projects are removed