gwgen sens setupΒΆ

Set up the experiments for the project

usage: gwgen sens setup [-h] [-root-dir str] [-p str] [-link] [-nm]
Optional Arguments
-root-dir The path to the root directory where the experiments, etc. will be stored. If not given, a new directory will be created at the same location as the original project
-p, --projectname
 The name of the project that shall be initialized at `root_dir`. A new directory will be created namely ``root_dir + ‘/’ + projectname``. If not given, defaults to ``’sensitivity_<id>’`` where ``’<id>’`` is the experiment id
-link=True If set, the source files are linked to the original ones instead of copied
-nm=False, --no-move=False
 If True, the project in the configuration files is not moved to the position right before the configuration of the current project